Muhammad Ali Downs Sonny Liston!
Today, 17th of January 2012 we wish Muhammed Ali a very happy and healthy 70th Birthday!! We recognize the awesome contribution of this legendary pugilist to the sport of Boxing.
But from one legend to another legend in the making! Last week I mentioned that one of my clients had taken on the challenge of being one of the fittest female competitors in the country!
Getting there is the challenge - Zuriah's progress since last week has been very good at creating a tangible baseline for future comparison.
Starting with a timed session on 10/01/12 consisting of the following: - Thrusters 10 - 10
- Pull ups 2 - 1
- Hand Stand Push ups 2 - 1
- Push ups 10 - 10
- Burpees 10 - 10
- 48kg Kettlebell Deadlift 10 -10
The two numbers indicate first 2 sets. The purpose was to complete as many repetitions of the circuit in one hour as possible. Zuriah managed 2 complete circuits with a round one time of ; 15:54 and a round two time of ; 13:30. Factors negatively influencing her performance on the the day - Mild sunstroke. The upside of this was an epic Tan!!
What was becoming apparent is that Z's training needed to be geared towards upper body strength gains as indicated by her poor performance in the Pull ups and hand stand push ups.
Kettlebell Workout 11/01/12
KB Swings x 20 - Overhead Lunge walk out - 10m.
Clean and Press x 20- Overhead Lunge walk out - 10m.
Swing - Shoulder Lock Alternate x 20- Overhead Lunge walk out - 10m.
Goblet Squats x 20- Overhead Lunge walk out - 10m.
KB down - 100m Sprint to start postion. Walk back to KB. |
Zuriah & Chanda & Eugene returning to the Start Line....
Her Final Session for last week was on the 12/01/12:
Again a Timed Session it was broken down as follows:
- 50 Skips
- 350m Ergo
- Wallball shots x 50 (5kg ball)
- KB Clean & Press x 20
- Pull ups Max Reps.
The target was to complete as many circuits as possible in 40 mins.
Round one: 11:30 - 2 pull ups
Round two: 7:00 - 2 pull ups
Round three: 8:30 - 2 Pull ups.
Z maintained a consistent 1min35 for the ergo through all the rounds with a big improvement in overall time over round 1. Again Z's weakest activity was the pull ups.
Outdoors she also finds sprints to be challenging. So our aim is to maximise her sprint-ability, mainly through improving her technique. She has a good natural gait - long stretched strides with high knees and good alternating pumping of her arms. Plyometric training techniques and running drills will be employed in conjunction with endurance drills to improve her sprints.
Here's looking forward to todays Session! I'll fill you guys in next week. We've got to put the hours in now - with FiCT just four weeks away. There is no time to waste!
Fittest in Cape Town just because she can? Now thats what I call a fitstyle!
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